
type and jackets

Rarely do I make posts about fashion, but I want this archival 1970s Pantone quilted bomber jacket loads. Here it is. And it's from this website Fruition Las Vegas.

Typeverything is a really goooood site full of nice typography and funny posters.

Also I laughed when I saw these.. Perfect cos I really do 'air-quote' all the time. Kate Spade Air Quote Mittens (a "snip" at $65..)


Visionaire larger than life

In this video some models take the Visionaire larger than life magazine down to a New York park for a little read.
The version seen there is almost 5 x 7 ft, and only 250 were produced.
A standard copy (3x4ft!), at 2,500 copies, is also available.

Their typeface is really nice too.
See http://www.visionaireworld.com/


clever cute industry stuff

Grand "Collaboration" from HUSH on Vimeo.

Collaboration for an unknown client, between Grand, and Hush, both US agencies. Hush: "Using a smartly anti-tech approach, Grand asked us to focus on the way people collaborate to produce amazing things - a simple concept that goes back to the caveman and his stick. We would develop an iconic character and visual stories that cut through the tech and speak towards people working together, for good and for bad."



VW Golf. (not sure of the photographer/disassembler)

Pentax Camera - Todd McLellan

Old Flip Clock - Todd McLellan

Smith Corona Typewriter - Todd McLellan



VERY nice design

GrandArmy and Wieden+Kennedy's 'Attack', both from NYC worked on a collection of publications, called 'Day Trip' that chronicles the perspectives and lifestyles of people who influence the shifts in New York City's cultural tides. Really makes me wanna go back. The typefaces - titles and weighty numbers - and the printing are very accomplished.



Jon Rafman’s Google Street Views « Thought Catalog

Jon Rafman’s Google Street Views « Thought Catalog

Images all found by trawling through Google Street View.

A 'thought catalog' writer has gone quite deep into this work, saying:
"These photographs, or I should say curation, are less about seeing than imagination, fueled, ironically, by the boring empiricism of life. We understand perfectly the preceding and subsequent moments of each image. A man crashes his car and lol calls his cell phone. A dog pisses legs raised on a wall, cognizant of and shamed by its non-humanness. A man vomits next to a pay phone, barely missing his shoes. The formal compositions of the photographs barely matter, and after a while, the subjects — the unwitting representatives of our race — seem to blur into one. All the drama — the car crashes, the indignant moonings and middle fingers, the near or imminent deaths, the police arrests, the mysterious fires — are slowly taken for granted, soon to reside in a shallow past, a pool in which we put our own shady memories."


Origami research